Legal Investigations

• Civil Defense
• Criminal Defense
• Workers Compensation Cases
• Asset investigation
• Witness Location
• Surviellance

Civil Defense:

Trinity Investigative Group provides support to attorneys defending civil matters, including personal injury matters, from the pre-lawsuit stage, throughout discovery, and trial. Trinity Investigative Group assists attorneys by conducting comprehensive background checks, social media searches, obtaining court records, obtaining criminal history, locating and interviewing witnesses, obtaining witness statements, conducting surveillance, serving subpoenas on witnesses, and coordinating with witnesses for their appearance at a deposition. Trinity Investigative Group also assists attorneys with regard to trial practice, by preparing and serving subpoenas for records/witness testimony, making sure certified records are delivered to the courthouse for trial, coordinating with expert witnesses for their appearance at trial, and coordinating with fact witnesses for their appearance at trial.

Services (including but not limited to):

• comprehensive background checks,
• social media searches,
• obtaining court records,
• obtaining criminal history,
• locating and interviewing witnesses,
• obtaining witness statements,
• conducting surveillance,
• preparing and serving subpoenas for witness testimony
• coordinate with witnesses for their appearance at deposition and trial
• preparing and serving subpoenas for records
• ensuring certified records are delivered to the courthouse for trial,
• coordinating with expert witnesses for their appearance at trial, and
• coordinating with fact witnesses for their appearance at trial.